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"Supplement" Thread
2635 2648 2878
I'm looking for "supplements" that will help me build muscle or burn fat. I've heard good things about peptides. Does anyone know where I could get them or what peptides I should use?
Stick to healthy food and lift moar.
Why to become a freak with an unnatural body?
Peptides are based though.
Lots of people swear by creatine, which is not terribly expensive.

I know that back before all the gyms got shut down for the Wubonic Plague, and back before I ran into some health problems that keep me from lifting, I was taking 2-3 grams of creatine each morning with breakfast and it really did seem to help with my gains--more, maybe, because it seemed to help my endurance, seemed to help me do more reps, than with any kind of stimulating muscle growth over and above what I was getting with free weights.

The best "supplements" for what you seem to be looking for are a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. Lots of people seem to get good results with creatine too, and it's worth investigating, but start with the basics. More protein in your diet and less sugar and starch. Curls and presses with good form. Good food for breakfast--it IS the most important meal of the day, and it's too important to be Froot Loops and a cup of coffee. Cut down on the caffeine and the soda and the junk food. Get more fresh vegetables and more lean protein. Everything else follows from that basis.
Is it true that energy drinks actually fuck up your attention span, patience, testosterone, and willpower over time?
Time to buy sum branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) powder.
> burn fat
I have heard that coconut oil and arginine might help
Yes. Just look at all those additives and carbs it contains. Coffee/Tea is much healthier. If you want supplements for muh more energy, try vitamin C, taurine or arginine. Also, remember to stay hydrated.

Redpilled Birthday?
My birthday's tomorrow, I will be 24. How do I celebrate my birthday in a redpilled manner?
Pic unrelated, I just really reallylike this image. Some dayif I have kids I'll get to tell them about the failure of the CHAZ.
My suggestion is. Drink, have fun, and enjoy yourself. Even if it is just sitting at home relaxing watching a movie or MLP, or Anime, or what you like. Don't commit to anything you don't want to. It is your day and you are allowed to be yourself. I myself like to just relax and stay at home, shitpost a bit and not care about the world that day. And if you want to go out and party I say go for it.

Happy Birthday!
What this anon said.
Take a moment to appreciate all that you've done, and have a toast for yourself you deserve it.
You've survived yet another year in this circus. And the cake is in the oven.
Here's to you.
Happy Birthday!
2617 2636
The birthday was nice. I'm 24 now.
What do I do about the feeling that nothing about me or in my life has changed for the better?
Something to check is to see if that feeling is actually accurate.

Two things.
The simple thing is to look where it's not doing good and then change it so it is good. If you want (insert example here) then make it so.
Another thing is to cherish all the blessings you have no matter how small. Giving thanks can really change things around. >>2615 →

You are the supreme commander of your mind and body. Rule with love, kindness, honesty, loyalty, generosity, fun, and friendship. The truth will light the paths you might take right, and with these seven guides you will always be able to stand back up again no matter the challenge.
im the same age and feel the same way, We're gonna make it Brah.

How do you stay calm in a world that gets closer to the breaking point every day? Those niggers and jews are raping our people to death and the fucking Liberals celebrate when it happens then play dumb/attack you when you complain about it.
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2526 2528
Where the fuck is God? I've tried to go Christian for the past two years and I can't hear him. I can't make any meaningful relationships with other Christians because they're all the "Wash black feet and grovel" types who cry "You're no true Christian" when you say anything unwoke. I keep getting banned from Christian forums and Christian discord servers. Every single Christian I've met is like this. Except maybe ones on this site, I have no idea if there are Christians here or not. Maybe Christianity just isn't a strong enough religion to maintain its borders or power or cultural dominance, since it rolls over and plays dead and dies for all the evil bastards in the world who know how to lie.
At least it isn't as cucked as Catholicism.
The Pope isn't Catholic, he wears a Small Hat(TM).
1) Christianity is not an institution made for men's purposes but for God's. Undermining their faith so they can look more POZitive is on them.
2) Christianity is the one thing that the (((world))) cannot wholly take over. The worst that can be done is infiltrating the hierarchy and leading a subset astray. However, there are always still some Catholics willing to call out the Jews and we will win in the end.
3) On a practical note, hide your power level, particularly if you're new to a community. If you join a place that is clearly totally cucked then just leave and find something better.

I recommend listening to the Godcast. Best Christian podcast I know of. https://thegodcast.libsyn.com/
>subscribe to authoritarian programming
I use magic, and shitposts. Telling stories, playing games, having a grand ol' time running (((their))) day.
That depends, how are you trying to communicate with God (or god? as in a faker pretending), and are you actually speaking to who you want to speak to (some astral grunt or a being of lots of charisma trying to get you).
In any case look at your highest ideal self. Communicate with your subconscious.

Writing helps, but using the emotions to bring about the world you want to live in is a good option.
Remember, no mater what happens, time wont ever stop.
Long after you are gone, humanity will keep on changing indefinitely.

Take control of your emotions anon, remember it's all just a big play, to become desperate or depressed about the situation of the world will only hurt your efforts at improving yourself and or making the world a better place.
You dont have to turn shit into gold, where a great man walks, others will follow.
I'll give you three scenarios, you choose or make your own
I got bored, so i replaced God with John Elway

The problem is that John Elway is less of a "he" and more of an "it" at least by the way we can perceive it.
We can never truly met John Elway, because John Elway is everything we can perceive and every entity and object that we can and cannot see, John Elway is energy itself, and thus by praying, at most we are forcing ourselves to change our surroundings subconsciously.

John Elway is the dreamer, and this is the dream, the start of the universe was John Elway going to sleep and the universe shall end whenever he decides to wake up.
Because of this, he is not sentient or feels not in control of all that's happening on his dream, by doing things like praying or simply doing every day actions, we accidentally influence the dream one way or another, forcing changes to happen in reality as a whole, little by little.

John Elway is truly and all knowing, all seeing entity that created existence itself; From his throne he watches and experiences everything, from ecstasy to misery and all in between, and in all of his wisdom, and he enjoys it, because that is how he envisioned it.
We are his creations, the things he made for his own amusement, thus he does not sees our pain and despair as a serious matter, instead, John Elway sees us like you would see a random character on a Roller Coaster Tycoon.

Chap in a Rough Spot
2519 2580
I was doing the rounds on Derpibooru and I came across on the "Vent Thread" (which is usually man-children complaining about man-child things) and I actually found something serious. Kongou has been dealt a bad hand in life with a crazy (likely single) mother, no employment prospects now or in the foreseeable future, and crippling food allergies that are life-threatening. Social services wants to put him in a shared living space which is intolerable due to said allergies. He's stuck at home with an overbearing mother who stifled his prospects and is likely to cancel his health insurance were he to try to escape. Due to these grim prospects he has threatened to become an hero.

I am posting this on his behalf here because he looks to be /ourguy/ judging from his profile. I believe that a private charity or religious organization is the best means for him to escape and find help but I don't know what options there are in Wisconsin. What are some ways to help?
<Thread: https://www.derpibooru.org/forums/dis/topics/vent-thread?post_id=4819839#post_4819839

>What am I supposed to do now.
I really want to help him. But I feel powerless.

>As you may all know. My friend Kongou lives with a mentally unstable mom who has been pretty much barring him from advancing in his life. No job, no car, no money. So he pretty much completely depedent on his puritanical mother who controls every aspects of his life….
>Recently he has made some moves to seek help from social services. But they want to move him into a shared living space with likely a shared kitchen. >HOWEVER, he has several medical conditions ranging from pretty much every food allergies humanly known. Some of them apparently life threatening. He can't live in a shared environment like this…. and his mom could easily cut off his insurance should she find out he's moving out.

>I dunno what to do!
> Does anyone here have any ideas?
>It seems the far easier and more nob
Have you or the subject considered killing yourself?
You cant help everyone, anon, a drowing person will pull you underwater, should you not know how to help.
Judging from what i see, his best option is to either take his chances buying his own food living in that shared household or get some sort of monetary income to eventually move out from his mom's house.
He's got it rough for sure, but if it aint for some kind soul to adopt this dude for a few years (and probably drown) he's got no choice but to take his chances.
What's the right choice, keep waiting for a miracle with no plan whatsoever till time runs out or take the jump that will either kill you or save your life?

Whats your purpose in the world, /üb/ ?
Personally, as time goes on i just feel like becoming a teacher is my call.
Not that i particularly like to deal with teenagers, but to see a person grow into a better human being that actually uses it's head to think is both something the world needs and something i particularly enjoy.

So what do you think your call is, überhengsts?
Maybe it's time to take a few minutes to consider what you like doing, what you can become good at, what the world needs and how to get money out of it.

How to book
2521 2522 2564 2574
How do you publish a book once you have finished writing it?
I thought about using amazon but I don't want to give money tothe enemy. Then again, my second favourite redpilled movie reviewer BlackPilled uses that site for his book.
13 replies and 0 files omitted.
Do your own research on what publishers are out there because there are thousands. The big-name publishers that print thousands of different books a year are probably not recommended since they're pozzed and even if you succeeded in landing a contract you'd probably be heavily restricted. On the flip side, Counter-Currents will publish anything far-right but you'll be forever limited to that narrow niche as a result. I'd say look for a medium-sized publisher that deals with sci-fi books, maybe one that's about giving new writers a chance.
Self-publishing is not recommended if you don't know anything about this, because taking on more responsibility when you're ignorant is dubious.
Yes for the pseudonym which any smart writer does. If your first work is so poorly received people go "I will never read a book by this author again!" you don't want your real name on the cover, and that applies even moreso if the work is politically charged at all.
No for LARPing as LaKiesha. Don't pretend to be something you aren't because perspicacious readers will be able to infer something about your background and perspective from your writing. If you're a white libertarian male than roll with it even if it means you won't get a Hugo Award. Maybe adopt a pseudonym in homage of Heinlein or someone else you like?
>Should I make a believable social media presence?
Have a Twatter/Gab/whatever with your pseudonym and do nothing with it except for official updates. You shouldn't get into controversy without a major following at least and a social media presence doesn't help you sell books as much as selling books helps your social media presence.
>Should I advertise my book on forums in that scifi genre?
Unless there's a "post your work here" thread don't. No one likes needy authors shilling their work on forums, comment sections, or anywhere unrelated.
Good call.

I'd say that if you want a modicum of publicity for a sympathetic audience then you could send a copy to Argent and ask him to do a "Reactionary Review." Make sure you do it after landing a contract (and it doesn't break the contract) because "ebul nazi book reviewer" might hurt your chances.
Just want to say again that people who self-publish or have large followings on social media have probably accomplished that after numerous iterations of their work and they know what they're doing. Go for the safe route when you're new at least, and maybe look up some biographies of famous writers to know how they did it (of course things are done a little differently nowadays).
Who is Argent?
Argent is an underrated autist who talks about politics but also reviews books, movies and anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQlYwWnx-yA
This guy's great! What other ones like him are there?
I planned on making this book part shitpost at first but now I've thought of actual good ideas for the book
However some parts are still written in a hilarious shitposty tone
I want tokeep this so it will givethebook a unique tone. Any thoughts?
Almost every day, I feel like I'm not pushing myself hard enough. I will never know how hard is hard enough until I push myself so far, I go too far and injure myself, learning how far too far is.
How do I fix this?

Bikes Thread
Bikes discussion thread

What's the most redpilled bike for escaping a city at an unexpected time with a backpack full of supplies, and getting to the wilderness?

Bikes don't require fuel like cars do, plus off-road bikes can get deeper into forests than cars can. Most bikes don't have license plates, too. And they don't require licenses.
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Spst, nigel look at the IDs
There's no need to get your nickers in a twist
Bruh I'm not mad, your jokes are fine
Just wanted to see what would happen if I said that to change things up.
Is it worth getting a taxi to a dedicated Cycling Store or will ordering the bike online do?
Well I'm pleased toi report after 2 weeks of commuting & 3 big hauls, my back wheel is doing A-ok so far.
Previously tried secure the protective tape with blutac & covering it with sellotape. Seemed adequate for the front but useless on my back (thinner tyre, takes more wheight).
Tried doing what this video suggests: https://youtu.be/smI_s1To0eA?list=PLTkSCcdfGIvg_pjkNzJOnI2EnWfRAaBYU
Used some good quality duct tape (T-rex) Covered the ends with a layer of duct tape, secured with duct tape going across ervery 1/8 of the tyre & near both ends & finally putting some along where they both overlap.
It's so nice to go an entire week without worrying & fucking around with that infernal bit of hell rubber.
Yeah, those lockpicking guys are pretty damn cool but they're also guys with a lot of study, experience & brains who have more fruitful things to do than nick bikes. It's akin to worrying about a martial artist jumping out the bushes & gutting you with a tea spoon.
Now your typical chav can rap his head around things like hammers & cable cutters (and maybe freeze spray). But decent d-lock or a chain is all but impervious to them unless they want to use some really conspicuous tools like hack saws or angle grinders.
I'd normally recommend visiting first just to take wee gander of the bike first but with this corvid hoax that's going to be a bit more of a pain in the ass. If you order online & the tech-specs seem to add up, chances are you will get something adequate enough for the time being.

I have this one too, I can recommend it. It's called a "safety bike" because it holds you in place while you ride. They are very popular in Sweden. I don't advise using the lubricant that comes with it though, because you will slip and fall off right in the middle of your bike ride, and that is exactly what the Jews want.
This joke's funny.

2470 2472
Say a british guy saves up £2000 after several years and isn't sure what to spend it on.
Home appliances, apocalypse survival supplies, home defence items, a 3D-Printer that will totally not be used to help make important things after the apocalypse wink wink, a waffle-maker, a suit or fast running shoes or clothes that could attract a woman, weights, a treadmill, a house to buy/rent, any of that stuff.
What should he spend his money on for maximum self-improvement and to maximize the chances of his survival?
16 replies and 4 files omitted.
2509 2516
Allow me to elaborate. Land in Texas averages ~$5k/acre (outside city limits, which is how you want because many counties dont impose building codes and shit), and for another $2k you can get an 8x8.5x20' storage container theres a reason it's a /diy/ meme so for ~7k+ fixtures n shit and some time/effort, you can wind up with an acre of land and a cottage you can live out of with minimal expenses. Then, it's just a matter of having gainful employment and you can save up and build your own house.
Further, Texas is the 'buckle' on the 'bible belt' (overwhelmingly Christian states spreading out east and west). And, assuming you dont have the capital to set yourself up immediately, you might already know a guy who can give you a hand up ^_~
That sounds unrealistically good. What's the catch?
also, isn't Texas full of Spanish or Mexican idiots?
and what is gainful employment?
Of course there are, but they're everywhere. I'm serious, anywhere that there is demand for labor, there are Mexicans. That it's just over the border doesn't help matters, but that's just one more reason to aim for outside city limits. There are VERY few rentals available outside the city, and most mexicans arent property owners.
The catch is that you would have to hide your power level. Old-time country folk dont take kindly to talk like "Hitler did nothing wrong" and such, and Israel is generally well regarded. Having said, there is very little tolerance for lefty bullshit, which is gonna make things interesting in the next 5-10 years. Texas is one of several states that has distinguished its self in recent years because of the otherwise strong state economy, and alot of people are leaving lefty hellholes to take advantage. The consequence is that the political balance is shifting, particularly in the major cities. Over time, Texas will inexorably shift blue, as it has already become a purple state. Having said, if liberals are able to surpass conservatives in the state and attempt to enact leftie policies (gun restrictions, for example), you could not find a better place to stand your ground. I mean, Texas is where the phrase "come and take it" was first coined.
Texas is also one of the largest producer of beef, chicken, and a number of other essential commodities.
The climate is pretty brutal though, just warning ya.
>gainful employment
Fancy way of saying "you earn more than you spend"
Also, it bears mentioning that I dont know what sort of prohibitions there might be for working and other things (like legally buying a gun) for immigrants.
Tbh, I'd focus on finding out what those prohibitions are or might be.
Most places in the South (doesn't even have to be the South, a lot of midwestern states) are fine, really, except where there's an active conflict (Virginia thanks to leftyfags in Richmond and the north) but I recommend looking by county instead of state, then skimming over respective state laws. Unless if you really want to live in the middle of nowhere or in a trailer park (although stereotypes are exaggerated, people who live there are usually low-IQ whites) then land will probably be more expensive than in Texas. If you're interested, though, property values are rising because of aforementioned exodus from lefty hellholes.
>property values rising
Yes and no. If one is relying on established sources and real estate brokers, then what you say is true. Having said, there are always exceptions. OP has a hard task if he really intends to migrate, but should he decide to there may be a dude or two who could offer assistance. Indeed, Texas might not be the best choice, but it's not the worst either.

2485 2486 2487 2488 2491 2496
I need help.
All this improvement and learning the truth and fixing shit has lead to me being like... popular???
I do not know how to fucking deal with this. There are girls hitting on me (or presenting openings to hit on them).
I don't know how to deal with this situation. I don't want to make them feel bad by I also don't want to betray my waifu. One of them has a daughter and my head is running wild how to be the best I can be for that kid but also I don't want to be a cuck.
How to balance microchimerism vs saving your race vs staying true to your waifu?
I need help!
10 replies and 5 files omitted.
2500 2502 2504
I have been around for a couple of years but I never got this meme. I also never bothered to find out.

>Is the woman female?
I am not a fucking burger.
>In family court she wins just about every time.
>I have a how to train a woman pic in here somewhere, but...

>Watch for red flags, and YOU have the upper hand.
>If she's divorced more than likely she initiated it.
>Find out what her relationship to male figures in her life are, ect.
>It depends on what YOU actually want.
I am new to this whole game but aware of what /pol/ thinks about this and this is part of my worry but on the other hand I think what Jordan Peterson said (even though he is controversial) hold some truth, relationships aren't toys you throw away once you are tired of it, you chain yourself up to each other and deal with the problems.

This is a lot responsibility and guiding anothern person? Heck I don't know shit! I am stuck there thinking for ours on what "life" or "being alive" means and now I am supposed to steer anohter human through life?

This is just it. Maybe I can prevent all this suffering? Unlikely but there is a chance.

I can't say you are wrong but I think that half of me thinks with the heart.

>OP, you're attractive because you have things going for you
Despite my efforts I still got too little self-esteem to believe this
>Do you want to win, or do you want to lose? It sounds all fi e and good, trying to be a role model and provider for righteous and reasonable children, but is that really true in this case?
There is a philosophical problem with this. What does it truely mean to win? Isn't helping other people a win on it's own in a species as social as our?
I am just trying to do the right thing.

> OP is playing with a full deck, and B. This isnt attention seeking.
Look I started out in a broken family with a fuck load of problems and ran through a multitude of difficult undesireable situations. I was the scum of the earth.
Being the "cool one" or "having your shit together" being "respectable" or "someone to turn to" is new grounds for me.
This is uncharted teritorry for me and I do not know what the fuck to do because there are so many things to consider.

This is one of the things to consider and one of the reasons I am seeking help.

>OP can't win this one without heavy loses. A single mother ass means trouble.
That is the thing man. All of the girls come with problems. Be it past relationships or a career they are pursuing that is in oposition to being a mother and wife or some problems they other problems they carry with them.
All of them are 3DPD in some sense.

I am so fucking conflicted. Do good where you can? Strive for the highest? Me vs. her?

Just fuck my life up, bro.
2502 2510
>been around
>doesn't get the meme
Our definitions of 'around' varies greatly. No matter
I'll let Ayn Rand explain. And as for being unprepared because of past circumstances, conditioning, and expectations, it's a little too late for that sort of talk. As for what is a win, that depends on you. Theres an infinitesimally fine line between helping others and doing the right thing, and being taken advantage of. And I say that having attempted precisely what you're describing, and all I have to show for it is regret. Maybe your situation isn't comparable, but maybe it is. The point is to put yourself first, however you choose to. Basically, I'm saying that whatever course you decide on, always remember that it can capsize in an instant, so realize that you might look back on your motivations NOW with different sentiments.
>This is a lot responsibility and guiding anothern person? Heck I don't know shit! I am stuck there thinking for ours on what "life" or "being alive" means and now I am supposed to steer anohter human through life?
You have one answer
This is good advice.

>Me vs. her?
Nononono, think of this as a business venture, how best could you influence and improve people's lives? Expand your thinking beyond the scope. This isn't about her this is about you. You could be the next Mr. Rodgers, or a personal touch that could disintegrate at any moment.
I'm not you, but this is something you must seriously consider and do all the possible background work and checks correctly and continually.
I am also saying approach this like you would a rabid venomous snake, and as a high risk investment.
If you need a third opinion look at MGTOW (men going their own way) they are some of the people being burned, but there is a small portion of the population with happy marriages maybe a 'happy' marriage but they will never say anything.
What Peterson is also true that relationships are serious commitments. Yet one side has an easy out at any moment with incentives to do so.
>I am so fucking conflicted. Do good where you can? Strive for the highest? Me vs. her?
Let explain because I was in your same dilemma and I fucked it a few times because nobody advised me.
Your problem has root in your raging hormones, and this is the reason because you WON'T listen to any advise. No matter how it will explained to you, your instinct to reproduce will be stronger and of course that woman will break your heart and your wallet.
In the extraordinary case that you would masturbate to blow some steam and let some reason permeate your brain, run, run for the hills from that cunt, because your thirsty beta's attitude is recipe for a train wreck.
See the thread >>1566 → → for further explanations and the needed corrections.
Thank you for your input. Maybe I should tear up the numbers, yet part of me still doesn't want to make them feel bad.
Being thrust into an unknown situation really fucks you up.
Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater yet anon, these are just things to keep in mind, be aware of, and utilize to temper your enthusiasm. Whether or not anything occurs for the duration, there is no harm in being social. No offense, but from what you've said you could probably use the practice. Just dont start getting fitted for a suit of shining armor unless you're planning to crusade

I need to change my life
1959 1960 1961 1962 1964 1976 1980 1987 1993 2436 2445
Hello, I don't know how to start this but here goes.
I think I need to change my life.
Dealing with people is exhausting on its own. But dealing with childish faggy egomaniacs who want to "win" internet arguments and get that precious fucking social credit clout and a sense of pride and accomplishment is even more exhausting.
And it seems the latter is the only kind of person I meet online any more. They're so angry, all the time. So poisonous and spiteful, constantly trying to piss you off. It's not...
This might sound weird.
It's not tiresome or annoying any more.
I don't like how routine this has become.
Endure the pseudointellectualism of this faggot and let him pretend he's clever, say no u when the other one calls you a faggot, imagine yourself rolling your eyes when this different faggot wastes hours of his own life trying to bully you on a website you don't care about and then pretends he's got a deep moral lesson to teach you and it's your fault his gay uncle gave him AIDS.
They're so desperate to feel like they can win something. Even if it's faggy internet "drama" Boomer office-politics retardity.
I'm sick of mudbrained niggers raging at me for not liking their new Star Wars movies or new Hasbro(tm) brand shit or new SwSh incomplete games. I'm sick of trying to justify myself to consumernigger podfaggot pigpeople who will never admit humans have a right to have tastes and standards.
This place is pretty good, but just this place. Everywhere else is full of niggers.
Politics is exhausting. Boomers and their parents deserve a new holocaust for what they allowed the Jews to do to us. Liberals aren't human and I'm sick of pretending I'm shocked when they shit debates up. It's a black and white issue, no pun intended, how the fuck do so many people find this so hard to understand? Politics feels like a lost cause. No one person every week I redpill can make up for the legions bluepilled by Jew schools. Conformity to faggotry is the faggot's religion.
I have hatred for the Jews. It's an insult that fanfags think I hate their subpar product as much as I hate Jews, and it's depressing that they hate me even more than I hate Jews. Hate for me consumes their every waking thought, I only think of Jews during politics time and whenever I see evidence of their fuckery.
I've got other hobbies, I exercise and diet now, and everything besides dealing with pony and politics is rewarding and fun. I've lost so much weight my stomach is almost flat. I've never been this light in my life.
I should be happy. And I am. I'm legitimately proud of my body now.
I'm proud of who I am. 90% of who I am, anyway.
I'm usually happy, which makes the contrast more noticeable when I put myself through this faggy online bullshit.
And I don't know why I do that.
I try to do what's right.
I try to have good optics and win debates and help people see the light.
Is there a non-pozzed Christian forum out there where I'm allowed to say Feminism is cancer and fuck Jews?
Is Christianity as a whole a lost cause? Was I an idiot for going back to it?
I miss when I could say "I like MLP" just like I miss when I could say "I like Star Wars". Modernity is depressing and I feel like a faggot who wants to wallow in muh childish nostalgia forever instead of getting on with his own life and making something worth a damn.
I want to fully become someone I can be proud of, and I don't see any reason to see "dedication" to hasjew products as something to admire.
Sometimes being in this fandom is suffering. All the sites are full of fanfags. And I don't know why I put myself through it. Habit? Tradition?
I don't know what I expect to gain out of posting this.
But here it is.
I think I need to spend less time on pony and politics, or find a way to make time spent on these things better for the soul.
114 replies and 23 files omitted.
Thank you. And yes, I've got more than ten good lads I can truly call my best friends. I have a lot of other friends, but they're my best ones.
That's great to hear. You sir, are playing with the cards you've been delt. I'm glad there are those for you, amd you for them.
If you need to get it off your chest tell someone you trust.
Also here's a pony.
Thank you.
Why are you so kind to me?
So the selfish reason is that the more well bodied, excellent mentally and spiritually people there are, the less I actually have to do in the long run. Every person happens to be a source of entertainment and amusement for me (they have the ultimate spark to craft everything), and I dislike the horrid agendas that (((they))) all push. I hate them so much more than trying to fulfill my own fleeting twisted dark desires. It's not worth it in many facets.
The more altruistic reason is that lifting you up raises other up as well as being a good person has infinite potential, and unstopable drive to do what is right.
Everyone that inherits their own truest, highest, more perfect self makes literally everything better. For everyone now, and in the future everywhere.

A more cynical reason is that for every post it's a limited interaction between you and me. I'm at my most generous, rather than at my most insidious. Roughly speaking. I like my own time, the nature of the internet ensues that it's always on my own time. Anytime anywhere. If there is any irritating point I can analyze that to see if that's my own weakness, or from someone else. Then the only way to be better is to discuss it, at the very least to understand exactly what is going on.

The greed (and highest ideal clarifying that the highest ideal is not greed it's THE Highest Ideal) in me wants there to be more beautiful things everywhere (the greed would rather have it all to myself, but that's not sustainable and would limit the amount of potential), to do that I need to do something sometimes as well. Importantly if I help others become their own paragon they too for whatever reasons they have will also create beauty, and righteousness. This compounds in a positive loop helping others be better, and to fulfill their creative and destructive intents to ensure amazing great works are done.
The world stops being a crapsack hellish pit, and becomes the best of us all in the end. I'd much rather the best than the torment of the worst.

On a more occult, magical level this is a means to make sure fuckers from else where fail on such gravity that forever more everywhere throughout the multiverse (ect ect ect.) can contact each other and not be plundered and raped into oblivion. It's a matter of making sure the things and people I like keep existing.
I like you as a person, a creator, and more (no homo), and as a means to my own agenda.
You are helping me by striving to be the best you can be.
One day I will face judgement, and I'd very much rather see my end in a great world, than a torn husk.
I might be embellishing slightly, but I really do mean you the best. I'm open for questions, comments, and concerns, but seriously I'll lend a listening ear.
This is so much more real than those "Because ur bootiful!" posts you'll see on fraud-filled social media.
Good is rational, and logically right.
I wish everyone on this planet could see this and be good people.
I wish the letter of the law and the spirit of the law were one in the same, and I wish every country on this planet was its own free and perfect free-market-capitalist nationalist meritocratic "Zeroth-World Country" that has solved all the first-world problems like jewery and leftism and other forms of short-sighted evil and selfish tribalistic greed.
This might sound weird but I miss the days when I posted on pseudointellectual forums where every fourth post of mine said "I sure do love science! Mankind's glory is unquestionable and the light of science is unstoppable! All problems will be solved in the future! Humanity, fuck yeah! The future will be bright!"
It felt so good to piss off the "There is nothing good about humanity, I am a proud sociopath who admits it openly and I wish we had another plague, humanity is a plague" faggots by making wannabe-Star Trek speeches about all the shit about the universe you thought was cool as a kid like rockets and stars.
It's an unexpected redpill to one day notice that all the positive attributes you praise humanity for in "Humanity, fuck yeah!" speeches are exclusive to the white race. And maybe a few other foreign countries learned a few positive attributes from us but we invented them. We invented the wheel, the engine, the car, flight, and the spaceship. We invented logic, reason, libraries, and more. We created a religion so perfect, it could survive almost anything. It was our civilization, western civilization, that discovered Good first. We had the enlightenment first, and many other races never got around to it.
Once my grandfather showed me an old PSA for adults warning them not to get into cars with strangers. Normally we're told this as kids these days. But the thought that adults would need to be told this by the government... It's so fucking alien to me. The idea of having that much trust for another is completely alien to me. I was raised in a world where the threat of getting betrayed was just an expected fact of life.
I think I remember a sci-fi show episode where some "Good and perfect aliens who don't fight any more" have to have their asses saved from evil by the heroes. It's bizarre to think that our ancestors were once like that, so willing to let their guard down and let enemies into their countries because they thought the need to think was gone. But their lives were only that good thanks to previous generations sacrificing and bleeding and sweating and doing everything they could to build a world that's better than the one they were born in.
And the Boomers betrayed that. The generation that raised the Boomers betrayed that by failing to teach the Boomers morality. They were asleep at the wheel while our countries were infiltrated and overwhelmed and sent right to hell.
I don't know how to feel about the big shit like that. I should hate those people, right? I should probably hate those generations for failing us and forcing us to deal with the consequences of their selfish and anti-future actions.
I should get back to working on my creative projects, like the book. I've decided to include mild "parody of wokeness" elements but primarily focus on fantasy adventuring. If it was too political it wouldn't attract anyone not already into politics.

I had this one idea for a scene where some incredibly fucking rich jew-elves (while their country is at war with some baddies) are smirking and snootying it up in a mansion surrounded by guards, feasting on fancy food while whining about how rare and expensive things are getting for them while people in the trenches die and people in the streets starve. One slave-girl accidentally calls an elf by his actual gender, forgetting he's decided to pretend he's a woman today, so he sentences her to be flogged to death for this crime. The heroes are there to act as private security but this pisses the heroes off and makes them save the slave girl and kill the elves and fight a shitload of security then after winning, they uncover an Evil Religion Shrine in the basement and get to keep everything those jew-elves own for revealing this crime to the country. No worshipping evil gods, that's highly illegal. Good and Neutral gods only. Chaotic ones are pushing it because the biggest authoritarians in power hate them while regular rulers are neutral on the matter.
*could see this fact
Good is objectively good, marxism is gay.

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